Dams In Korea

Dams In Korea

Distribution of major dam

large dam & reservoir : 1,271 place

Dam by height & capacity

number od dam by capacity

5x10㎥ below : 629 (48.5%)
5x10㎥ ~ 1x10㎥ : 255(19.7%)

1x10㎥ ~ 5x10㎥ : 302(23.3%)
5x10㎥ ~ 5x10㎥ : 76(5.9%)

classification by height

100m ~ 149m : 2(0.2%)
15m ~ 29m : (80.3%)
30m ~ 59m : 196(15.1%)

60m ~ 99m : 21(1.6%)
14m below : 37(2.8%)

owners of dams

korea rural community corporation(krc) : 881(67.9%)
local government : 368(28.4%)

korea water resources corporation(k-water):33(2.5%)
korea electric power corporation(kepco) : 16(1.2%)

Status of dams by types

type of dam materials

earthfill dam(te) : 1215(93.6%)
rockfill dam (er) : 16(3.5%)

gravity dam(pg) : 21(1.6%)

classification by height

nackdong river basin : 25.5%
geum river basin : 11.4%
han river basin : 10.5%

seomjin river basin : 8.5%
youngsan river basin : 6.0%

TE Earth / Terre
ER Rockfill / Enrocheement
PG Gravity / Poids
CB Buttress / Contreforts
BM Barrage / Barrage Mobile
VA Arch / Voute
MV Multiple arch / Voutes multiples
XX Orthers / Autres

table 1. codes types for dam types

purpose of dam

classification by purpose

  • irrigation dam : 1,077
  • water supply dam : 89
  • hydro power dam : 31
  • flood control dam : 19
purposes navigation receration fish breeding others
multiple 11 11 - 2
single - - - -
total. 11 11 - 2
purposes navigation receration fish breeding others
multiple 17 51 19 2
single 14 38 - -
total. 31 89 19 2

table 2. number of dams by purpose

Dam construction history in Korea